Calethos The Irimondian Time Reckoning Timeline
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The Irimondian Time Reckoning

  • 0 AR

    The Wanderer's Fall
    Era beginning/end

    The Wanderer and all the other Deities known as The Sacrifices relinquished their life energy to save Calethos.

  • 435 TM

    473 TM

    Days of Taint

    Incursion of barbaric human tribes into elven territory resulting in a bloody war.

  • 862 TM

    879 TM

    The Crimson Rising

    Strife and power struggles among the segregated human baronies lead to hostility, bloodshed and war.

  • 879 TM

    The Unification of the baronies under Merwyn Ealdeheart

    One leader emerged and managed to unite the disparate and hostile baronies under one crown.

  • 1199 TM

    Battle at the Pillars of Lothgirrim

    The humans and elves came to the aid of their dwarfven brothers and sisters at the Pillars of Lothgirrim and together they succeeded to repel an invasion of orcish and goblinoid hordes. This intervention strengthened the bond between the peoples even further.

  • 1260 TM

    The current year

    It is the year 1260 TY and King Aerric Ealdeheart II's 24th year in office.