Bran Hearthhead Character in Calcuil | World Anvil
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Bran Hearthhead

Bran Hearthhead (a.k.a. Captain)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A somewhat stout man, though it is clear that he carries quite a bit of muscle underneath the fat. He is much more agile than what his general appearance aludes. His skin wrinkled in accordance with his age, and he has a few scars on face and body.

Identifying Characteristics

A large full beard peppered with grey, dark eyes and a stern look.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Captain Bran Hearthhead comes from a family of no renown in Southern Lovisaftia. His upbringing was uneventful, however, as a teenager he ran with the wrong crowd and ended up committing a series of crimes incl. theft, arson and drugdealing. As he grew older he saw the error of his ways and decided he would no longer be part of this world and ran for the border of Ponhearia to get away from his past. Wandering around the Republic, he heard of the city of Hearttree, a city run by a religious cult and a city guard that asked no questions as to why you wanted to join. His past experiences helped him during the tests of the Hearttree Guard and he passed with ease, and after a year as a recruite he became a fullfletched payed member of the Guard. He quickly gained renown for being able to spot a criminal from miles away, and within 2 decades he became the youngest Commander of the Guards of Hearttree in 300 years at the age of 45.


Bran loves a big bossomed, chubby woman and does not care what race they are.

Intellectual Characteristics

Bran Hearthhead has exceptional skills in perception and insight, and am known to have quick witts, despite his somewhat small vocabulary and booksmarts.

Morality & Philosophy

Bran knows that he is not moraly pure and tries not to judge others to harshly on their wrong-doings. Despite being the Captain of the Guards he is somewhat lax on the rules and has no problem with bribes or crime as long as it is in his interest. However, he does attempt to at least maintain a facade as the Captain of the Guards and does not accept crime to be too visible in the streets.


Do not mention his own past as a criminal.


Religious Views

Doesn't give a shit about Gods. They can do what they want but he does not believe they help people without expecting anything in return.

Social Aptitude

Very charismatic (+4)


Dark rough voice commanding respect.


Bran Hearthhead

Employee (Important)

Towards Tara Nóstal'dir



Tara Nóstal'dir

Boss (Trivial)

Towards Bran Hearthhead




As the Captain of the Guards, Bran and Tara has had quite a few dealings, though most have been purely professional. Bran has flattered Tara and has kept up a good appearance by arresting a lot of crooks hence his early promotion as city guard. Bran however, is not at all honest, and have only arrested people when they get too obvious, something they have been warned about.

Wealth & Financial state

Upper middleclass. Has a medium sized town house in the Outer Circle.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Captain of the Guards of Hearttree
Date of Birth
23rd of Savoine
Year of Birth
3074 AC 69 Years old
Southern Lovisaftia
Current Residence
Town House in the Outer Circles in Hearttree
Dark Brown with streaks of grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned (sun damaged)
1.82 m
94 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Orc, Elvish, Thieves Cant

Cover image: by Helena Human


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