Royal Edict - The Unseeing Crusade Document in Calagon | World Anvil
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Royal Edict - The Unseeing Crusade

By the decree of His Royal Majesty, King Castus I, Sovereign of the Kingdom of Rainegate, Defender of The Realm:  
As the shadows of the Hollowed threat loom over our great land, it is with utmost urgency and resolute purpose that a call to arms is sounded. The insidious presence of the Hollowed, those tainted by eldritch forces, poses an imminent danger to the stability and safety of the Kingdom and its allies.   I know myself of the horrors that these cursed denizens of our land possess, And I tell you now that though they may be our flesh and blood, Do not heed their cries of madness. They are not to be believed under any circumstance, There are no all-powerful beings among us, No world-ending catastrophe to befall our lands, And certainly if there were; We would not let this come to fruition.   Therefore, let it be known that a Crusade, blessed by The Order of Aedalus and sanctioned by the Crown is hereby declared. The objective is clear: To purge the land of any and all signs of the Hollowed menace.
Decrees of the Crusade:   Identification of the Hollowed: Every citizen is charged with the responsibility of vigilant observation. Mania, blindness, incoherent ranting, or any other aberrant behavior shall be regarded as symptoms of the Hollowed taint.   Reporting Suspected Cases: Those who observe signs of the Hollowed curse in their fellow citizens are duty-bound to report such cases immediately to the local authorities.   Isolation and Detainment: Suspected Hollowed individuals are to be isolated from the general populace and detained under secure supervision until further action can be taken.   The Purification Rite: A cadre of trained priests under the authority of the Aedalus Abbey, have been allowed to conduct rituals of purification to rid the afflicted of the Hollowed curse, If such rituals fail then extermination is to be the only cure.   Crusaders' Pledge: All able-bodied citizens are called upon to take up arms in the service of the Crown, You will be trained to fight the unseen and to rid yourself from this world if you display any symptoms.   Locations of Operation:
  • Thornton, Masaue Monastery
  • Kingsbury, Crowsport Abbey
  • Avellonis, RainegateMonastery
  Rewards for Vigilance: Those who demonstrate exceptional service in identifying and purging the Hollowed shall be remembered as heroes of The Realms, Those who do not abide by this scripture will be branded a heretic and treated as such. By the authority vested in the Crown, this edict is issued forthwith. Let every loyal subject of Rainegate and its allied realms heed this call to arms. The Kingdom stands united against the encroaching darkness.   In the name of the Dreamer, for the safety of our people, and the sanctity of our lands.   King Trumac III Sovereign of Rainegate Defender of The Realm
  Sealed with the Royal Insignia  

May the Dreamer guide us in our righteous pursuit

Decree, Governmental

Cover image: by J.S Ilarde


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