The Continent

Kingsbury Realms

In the cold and frigid air of the Northlands lies the Kingsbury Realm's headquarters within the city of Crowsport, A monarchy individual from that of the Kingdom of Rainegate. Though they are a seperate realm with their own government, They are still influenced by the whims of the High King of Rainegate.



Though independent in nature the realm benefits from council by adhering to the loyalty of Rainegate's High King, Indepndent of the ruling governor's commands. Unlike Thornton where the governance of the realms is left to a council, The first Crowned of Kingsbury had it be so that only those worthy may hold his title - The governor of the Kingsbury Realms has been assigned to an elected monarch; Those that show their strength and resilience through hardship are given a chance to prove their worth within a barbaric arena with those who also wish to become the King of the realm.   To prevent the needless loss of life, Officials have declared that only nobles and famed persons such as adventurers may compete in the trials. Though many have taken up the title of late, recently the descendant of the well-renowned House Crowley - King Dorian Crowley II fought and proved his worth in the trial of monarchs.  


Kingsbury is surrounded by wildlife, Though hunting is practice it's often dismissed as the effort to wade through chaotic weather and deep snow has hardly been worth it when compared to the amount of supplies that fishing brings along, From raw materials such as whale bones for tools, blubber for fires, And of course a plentiful surplus of food - Thus the cities of Kingsbury are filled with docks officially constructed or not they've been built to accommodate the large amount of ships coming into the harbours.   The smell of fish often attracts predators into the harbour towns and so the populace aren't too unaccustomed to the idea of self defence. From a young age most children are taught how to fish and sail, In the cold harsh lands it's believed that this knowledge is crucial to the survival of not only the individual but the whole realm itself.   History During relatively sucessful campaigns of expansion across the Kingdom, Thornton expanding south and Kingsbury expanding the northern coasts, Many concerns started to arise as the nation's expansion took to a standstill including:
  • Economic imbalances and disparities emerged between the capital and it's sister islands seeming to break the fifth article of the treaties, being so isolated from the rest of the kingdom, They felt that their contributions to The Kingdom wasn't recognised by The King.
  • Colonies starting to nurture unique cultural identities that clashed with that of the mainland, Thornton and Kingsbury wished to preserve their heritage and become independent realms.
  • Disagreements over the management of natural resources came to massive debate with Kingsbury holding a massive amount of fauna products, Thornton receiveing many more metals and ore from their vast mines and most of these would be subject to the needs of Avellonis.
  • Colonies arguing that their interest were not adequately represented in the central government breaking the third article in The Treaty of Unification. Decisions made in Avellonis seemed disconnected from the realities of colony lives as they eyearn for a more localized governance structure that could address their specific needs.
  • This led to uprisings and riots where people of power would lay a claim to leadership over their homerealms declaring their goal to uphold and maintain stability for their nations alone seperate from the mainland, Thus beginning the Age of Division when the Kingdom would split into three different realms with their own governments.


While not as rich as their neighbours, Thornton and Avellonis - Kingsbury still manages to pull in traders who wish to purchase exotic goods and pilgrims who come far and wide to gaze upon Boecklin Isle. What riches they do acquire however are put into strengthen defences such as walls, Materials for armour and weapons from Thornton and the general expansion of the realm.   When the Age of Divide came about most of the ships from the Rainegate was seized by the aspiring seafarers and thus have progressed further in their research towards naval travel, stunting the growth of the other realms as they try to rebuild their navies.

Cold Winds, Warm Hearts - Thriving in Resilience

Kingsbury City Guard
A Kingsbury capital guard wielding their iconic trident.
Founding Date
2nd Blade's Dawn 500 AD
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Ruling Organization
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Related Species