Kingdom of Rainegate Organization in Calagon | World Anvil
The Continent

Kingdom of Rainegate


Known as "The Kingdom" to those that inhabit Triptych, The Kingdom of Rainegate was founded at the start of the Age of Unification 1AU by the first King of Humanity; King Avellonis.  

The Coronation

The founders known as "The Vigilants" were a gathered group of tribes that formerly inhabited the land formerly known as "The Realm" by King Avellonis, Over the course of a few years coming into -5AU, Trueblade would come to recruit companions: Daine Stonefury and Valere Twinstag as well as their tribe's allegiance naming themselves "The Vigilants" and founded the Kingdom of Rainegate on the eastern coast of The Realm. Stonefury and Twinstag would sail east in search of other human settlements that may need their support, King Avellonis would become the ruler of the land leaving their appointed of the Stone fury and Twin Stag tribes to become right and left hand of the king. His coronation would begin the Age of Unification(AU) wherein scribes would start writing the histories of the kingdom. Years would go on and efforts were made to snuff out all threats until King Avellonis would inevitably pass away and "The Realm" would be renamed "Avellonis" in honour of his great deeds.  

The City

The bay that now houses the city used to be a flourishing forest land that accomodated many giant apple-bearing trees. It was only by chance that The Vigilants were on the search of other human tribes that may be recruited in the fight against the demons that they happen to stumble upon this position but decided to postpone any permanent plans of staying until after they had made sure all that could had already joined them. After the unification work started on a village named simply "Village of Apples" coyly suggested by Twinstag, It was only years later at 30AU when the village would grow into a bustling city and be redubbed "Rainegate".  


After the Age of Division, The realms split into 3 seperate landmasses, Kingsbury in the north, And Thornton in the south, Leaving the Kingdom of Rainegate as the only geopolitical power in the continent of Avellonis. These realms have had conflict with each other giving reasons for war such as Rainegate belonging to one group more than the other or unfair land division. These days the tension has slowed as the expansion of cities continues to become more of an effort that the realms have had long lasting peace to ensure everyone gets their fair share of land ownership.    



Rainegate Capital

The most prominent area of Avellonis that houses the main city of the Kingdom.  

Dymia Forest

  • Dymchurch
  • Steelbrook
  • Northgate


  • Deepglen
  • Oldtown
  • Oak's End
  • Fort Vigilance


  • Dullwich
  • Westbrook
  • Highspire


  • Meriport
  • Swiftwater
  • Storm's End


  • Peaksmouth
  • Amberlight
  • Silentwood

Hallowmyr Island

  • Hallowmyr City





The High King of Astralon governs not only the Kingdom but it's subsidiaries: Kingsbury Realms and The Masaue Collective having higher power over their respective leaders. The position of High King is advised by the Grand Assembly who have a headquarters situated in the capital Astralon, where they together council and influence the High King's actions. The zealous Order of Velorum have made their home in The Citadel that sits just next to the headquarters of the Grand Assembly - Safeguarding not only the heads of the state but the whole realm itself with the employ of it's Justice Acolytes.


The populace of the Kingdom enjoy a prosperous age as the main hub of travel and trade between the other realms especially as other races journey to their lands from far away giving way to more economic opportunities in tourism. Many such religious churches were founded on Avellonis so thus have made their permanent homes in it's cities and villages. Due to the tales of the Age of Divide the people of the kingdom have grown wary of their neighbours - expecting invasions and subterfuge from their now allied realms, even after a couple thousand years of relative peace. The people are proud to call themselves Avellonians having "won" the great war of three and naming themselves faithful loyalists who's ancestors stayed and fought for the founding realm.

In our Roots, Comes Strength and Unity

Avalon City Guard
A rainean city guard donning the green accented plate armour of the watch.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Court of Kings
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organizations
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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