The Culvarkt Expansion

Construction beginning/end


With the completion of Culvarkti, and the other houses finding their own roots, the expanse of the peaks of the God's Teeth Mountains begins to gleam and shine with the promise of industry.

With the completion of Culvarkti, and the other houses finding their own roots, the expanse of the peaks of the God's Teeth Mountains begins to gleam and shine with the promise of industry. Following in the footsteps of Joseph Culvarkt, the heads of houses that followed him into the higher altitudes begin to break ground and build across the mountain range. As construction carries on, the heads of the houses gather regularly and lay the foundation for what will become their system of governance. There is order and prosperity, and for the time being, peace.    It is also at this time that Joseph Culvarkt begins construction on the Brewer's Folly, which will become the largest and most important airship in the Culvarkt fleet.

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