Cairne The Fourth Somnambulistic Prophecy

The Fourth Somnambulistic Prophecy

Religious event

13/4 23:00
13/4 23:00

The fourth utterance of the Somnambulistic Prophecy occured in a small tavern in the nearly forgotten village of Carrig's Cross before a gathering of random strangers, much to their shock and awe. This utterance began a journey that spanned nearly the entirely of the nations of Cairne and touched many lives, furthering the mystique and significance of the prophecy itself in the eyes of the world.

It is believed that as Bodi left Cairne, he imbued twelve souls with the prophecy of his return, each holding a key to a specific event that would act as a tumbler in a lock. Those that follow this belief claim that once the twelfth prophetic utterance is made, the lock will open and the gods will return. Others still believe that they are but remnants of the Seanachaisians, living fossils trapped in the sway of the energies of the blight. Of the twelve documented Somnambulai, three have so far awoken, uttering their part of what is believed to be the prophecy and them expiring and falling to dust. The events that followed are powerful parts of history that will be written about further into this exploration of history.
  The fourth utterance of the prophecy occurred before an extremely varied group in the small border town of Carrig's Cross . A Seanachaisian, Ventryte, Ougham, Bechtlarite, Hiversteadian, Volrishtad, Culvarkt, and even a Gauldowhynnian were present during the utterance, and in the wake of it, this strange band of unlikely companions set out on a deadly journey, one that would see tremendous loss, wonders unknown, and proof that despite the bleak and unforgiving outlook of their world, they are not alone.

Related Location
Carrig's Cross
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The History of Cairne (article)