Cairne The First Somnambulistic Prophecy

The First Somnambulistic Prophecy

Religious event


It is believed that as Bodi left Cairne, he imbued twelve souls with the prophecy of his return, each holding a key to a specific event that would act as a tumbler in a lock.

It is believed that as Bodi left Cairne, he imbued twelve souls with the prophecy of his return, each holding a key to a specific event that would act as a tumbler in a lock. Those that follow this belief claim that once the twelfth prophetic utterance is made, the lock will open and the gods will return. Others still believe that they are but remnants of the Seanachaisians, living fossils trapped in the sway of the energies of the blight. Of the twelve documented Somnambulai, three have so far awoken, uttering their part of what is believed to be the prophecy and them expiring and falling to dust. The events that followed are powerful parts of history that will be written about further into this exploration of history. The first known utterance led to the following entry into this record and led to the horrific discovery of what became of the Eolian cloister to Bhorgrim. This utterance was given at a precise moment that three individuals had gathered to transfer goods, a Culvarkt trader known as Brimjack Garhelm, A Hiversteadian guard named Evainnia Malcrim, and a Fouveinian miner named Vektur Drunstead. The three of them were involved in a simple exchange of goods when the Somnambulai wandered up undetected and suddenly spoke...

Related Location
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