
"Swift and sure are the fox creatures of the wastes."

Often found in small skulks, the fennex are shy and timid creatures, relying on stealth and caution to survive and even thrive in one of the most inhospitable regions of Cairne. These large mammals have been tamed in many settlements on the fringe and used as a means of fast and light transport. The creature's natural senses and rumored luck make them excellent companions in the untamed wastes.

Basic Information


The Fennex are for all intents and purposes, foxes, but the energies of the Blight have vastly increased their size and survivability. They are a dull sandy grey in general, though variants of this have been reported. They have small eyes that gleam with an unnerving sense of intelligence and almost comically large ears. Their frame ends in a long bushy tail that they are suspected to use as a means of silent communication within their skulks. Their distinctive, batlike ears radiate body heat and help keep them cool. They also have long, thick hair that insulates them during cold nights and protects them from hot sun during the day. Even the fennex's feet are hairy, which helps them perform like snowshoes and protects them from extremely hot sand. The fox's feet are also effective shovels for frequent digging as the fennex tend to live in underground dens.

Genetics and Reproduction

Fennex reach sexual maturity at around fifteen months, and mate during the winter, and usually only once per year. Gestation last about 95 months. After mating, the males are very protective of their mate, becoming more aggressive and protective in the months that follow. A litter usually consists of one to three pups that open their eyes after twelve to eighteen days. Both parents care for the pups, and the young remain with the family even after a new litter is born. Pups are usually weaned between seventy and eighty days.

Ecology and Habitats

The Fennex digs its den in sand, either in open areas or places sheltered by ruins with stable sand dunes. In compacted soils, dens are large, with up to 15 different entrances. In some cases, different families interconnect their dens, or locate them close together. In soft, looser sand, dens tend to be simpler with only one entrance leading to a single chamber. Fennex dwell in the sandy wastes surrounding the deserts of Gaul Do Shah. Their nocturnal habits help them deal with the dangers of the desert environment, and some physical adaptations help as well. These creatures dwell in small communities, each inhabited by perhaps ten individuals. Like other canids, male fennex mark their territory with urine and become aggressive competitors when mating season arrives each year.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Fennex has fully adapted to its wasteland home, it's coat, ears, and even internal functions adapted to the high temperatures, and extreme lack of water. Fennex are opportunistic eaters. They forage for plants but also eat rodents, eggs, reptiles, and insects. Like most desert dwellers, the fennex has developed the ability to go for long periods without water.

Additional Information


The Fennex, while cautious and shy, are relatively friendly creatures with humanoids, seeing them as potential worthwhile allies against the dangers of the wastes. They have been known the drag injured or incapacitated humanoids into safe burrows and caves and hide them there, attempting to bring them food and offer hody heat as warmth in an attempt to keep them alive. While it is not sure where this behavior stems from, it is assumed that they are fully aware of the mutual dangers that the living face in these lands, and with the level of empathy they show, it can be proposed that they are emphatically inclined.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Used as a quick, light form of transport in the Wastes, and occasionally as companions for travelers.
Keen Hearing and Smell. The fennex has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Pack Tactics. The fennex has advantage on attack rolls as long as one of the fennex’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Scientific Name
Vulpes zerda
22 years
Conservation Status
Least concern
Average Height
Average Weight
160 lb.
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dull sandy grey coats.

Cover image: Fennex by Midjourney


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