Sevi- Goddess of the Moon Character in Cairn Sector | World Anvil

Sevi- Goddess of the Moon

Article Contents

Sevi is the personification of Collena's moon, Sephar. She is the goddess of change and is a both a god of creation and the void. She changes forms constantly and depending on her, she can be considered a goddess of water, wind, ice, earth, and more. Additionally, she is the goddess of twins, animals, reflection, light, and darkness. She is credited with saving the Regalti at the end of the fourth age of creation, and putting them back on Collena at the start of the fifth age.
  ((Work in Progress. Making a mythology/religion is hard....))

The many forms of Sevi

The specific form of Sevi and what she is goddess of at the time is heavily dependent on the moon Sephar, which itself is a fully alive world with its own biosphere, seasons, and interactions with Collena.

Phases and Meanings

Void Moon

In this phase, Sevi is completely lost in the Void. The nights are long and dark. Vala is searching the void for her sister, ignoring her task of finding souls of the dead. There is no greater humiliation for Fevarik Regalti than to die during a moonless night, as they belive that Vala will never find them. During Void Moons, Regalti tend to stay indoors and avoid traveling, not just for fear of dying, but because the forces of the dark are at their strongest.

Waxing Crescent

Vala has successfully brought her sister back from the void. Sevi is resting, regrowing her strength. Because of this, she casts a dim glow over the world, just enough to keep creation in the light while Vala goes to search for the souls of the dead again. Whenever Fevarik Regalti burn their feathers to give strength to Sevi, it is often during the early phases when the moon is growing in strength. Regalti also avoid praying for themselves, as Sevi just isn't strong enough to hear them.

First Half

Sevi is at half strength, casting a decent glow over Collena while Vala takes her journey into the void. Here Sevi is able to hear the prayers of the sick and dying in her sister's absence. It should also be noted that this is also the phase of the moon when animal bones tend to fall out of the sky, a result of Sevi gathering souls of lost animals during her time in the void.

Waxing Gibbous

Sevi is nearing full strength. Here, her colors start to become bolder and she changes form from the goddess of the void to the goddess of a number of other things.

Full Moon

Sevi is at full strength and casts a bright glow over Collena. Sometimes she is so powerful that she will venture into the void in the middle of the night even when her sister is away. She will often turn red in color when this happens or completely disappear. During full moons, most Fevarik festivals are held, and during full moons, Regalti are encouraged to pray for themselves.

Waning Gibbous

Sevi is starting to overexert herself, going into the void for longer and longer periods of time. Because she is a being half of the void, her extra time starts to take away her strength, and she starts to grow dimmer. In time, she will become a goddess of the void again.

Last Quarter

Sevi ventures into the void more and more.

Waning Crescent

Sevi is nearly lost in the void again. Her light is nearly diminished.

Special Full Moon Phases

Neutral Moon

During most of the year, Sevi's full moon state is neutral. she is simply the Goddess of Reflection and doesn't have domain over any elements. She does the job she is supposed to do: Cast light over Collena while her sister searches the void.

Spring Moon

Spring on Sephar occurs about one month behind Collena. During the spring, the Cloud Flowers on Sephar always undergo a super bloom, filling the atmosphere of the northern hemisphere and giving the moon a violet glow. Spring festivals are often held to match with the times that Sephar will appear the most violet in color. During this time, Sevi is the Goddess of New Life.

Summer Moon

Also known as the Forest Moon. The Cloud Flowers have all died and Sephar is much greener than usual, causing the whole atmosphere to glow as well. During this time, Sevi is considered the Goddess of Old Life. A different festival is held for each instance of the Summer Moon during the year.

Ocean Moon

Sometimes the positions of Collena and Sephar are such that the South Pole of Sephar is pointed at Collena, giving the world a blue appearance. The entire southern ocean is visible. During this time, Sevi is the Goddess of Water. Many festivals are held around coastal towns during this phase.

Snow Moon

Sometimes the positions of Collena and Sephar are such that the North Pole of Sephar is pointed at Collena, giving the world a blue to white appearance. The entire Northern Ice cap is visible. This phase is considered stronger is it shows during the winter time, as the ice cap will be larger. During this time, Sevi is the Goddess of Ice. If it isn't winter time, Sevi is considered the Goddess of Wind.
DFull Moon.png

Desert Moon

The Northern continent on Sephar is vast, and prone to extended droughts. when this happens, the world has the appearance of a larger than normal desert, and the planet is covered in a yellow glow. During this time, it is believed that Sevi might be sick. Religious ceremonies are often held in her honor while the drought is ongoing. Offerings are increased, especially if a Desert Moon occurs at the same time as a Lunar Eclipse. Sevi is the Goddess of Earth during this time.

Lunar Eclipse

Such is Sevi's brightness and confidence during a full moon, she ventures into the void in the middle of the night. Sometimes she disappears entirely. Other times she turns red. It is said that if she turns red, it means that Vala found her in the void ignoring her task. In Vala's fury, she attempts to burn Sevi, temporarily turning Sevi into the Goddess of Fire. Sevi often flees from the void and returns to cast her light over the world once again.


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Jan 21, 2022 06:42

I don't mean to artificially inflate your view count, but I keep coming back to this article because I love how the interplay of nature and myth gives rise to such a versatile deity. And now I'm mad that our moon doesn't have seasons and auroras.

From The River to The Ocean, a civilization grows up.
Jan 21, 2022 13:55

It's all good, and thanks for the like and kind words! I didn't share this article during World Ember because this is now in its second/third rewrite, and I still wasn't satisfied with the article. I was about to start over again, but you encouraged me to keep this version around. Thanks for that. I'll give this article my full attention in a few weeks and finish the character.

Jan 24, 2022 15:11

I love the topic of the moon(s) from calendars to werewolves, Dragonlance and the three moons of magic. So I absolutely love this article and the details.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
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