Caeteria The Journey of [The Sud-Hestorian Party] Timeline

The Journey of [The Sud-Hestorian Party]

The Journey of the band of misfits from Sud-Hestoria.

  • 3127 PR

    41 Season of The Guard 11:00
    3127 PR

    42 Season of The Guard 05:00

    Drow attack on Kimet
    Military action

    A large Drow raiding party consisting of at least 200 soldiers attacked the city of Kimet from below using a dozen purple worms to gain entry.

  • 3127 PR

    2 Season of The Khan 13:00
    3127 PR

    2 Season of The Khan 17:00

    Breakout From Shallowswell Prison
    Criminal Activity

    A group of prisoners holed up in the Armory of Shallowswell Prison escape with the aid of The Sud-Hestorian Party.

  • 3127 PR

    3 Season of The Khan 01:00
    3127 PR

    3 Season of The Khan 03:00

    Discovery of Aurelia Sing's Lair
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Sud-Hestorian party, following the trail of a missing cook, discover the sewer lair of Aurelia Sing, a local alchemist who has been missing, presumed dead, for the past two years.

  • 3127 PR

    3 Season of The Khan 12:00

    Death of Nerus Silva
    Life, Death

    The Wood Elf Druid, Nerus Silva, is dissolved by a Gelatinous Cube in Aurelia Sing's Sewer Lair.

  • 3127 PR

    3 Season of The Khan 14:00

    Death of Typhos of The Maelstrom
    Life, Death

    The Satyr Paladin, Typhos of The Maelstrom, dies in Aurelia Sing's lair after receiving ill effects from a potion that caused him to age beyond the point of death.

  • 3127 PR

    4 Season of The Khan 06:00
    3127 PR

    4 Season of The Khan 23:00

    The Day of Ducks
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Just after sunrise, over ten thousand ducks appear within the Hexagonal Goose Tavern, causing significant property damage and generally disturbing the peace for the remainder of the day. The cause of this sudden event is still unexplained, but some eyewitnesses also reported mundane items temporarily springing to life in the vicinity including, but not limited to, the tavern signage, three barrels, a sewer grate cover, and fourteen horseshoes.