Nerus Silva Character in Caeteria | World Anvil

Nerus Silva

Nerus Silva (a.k.a. 'Adopted Son')

Nerus Silva was an adventurer, a member of the as yet unnamed group of misfits that have been operating in the city Kimet in the Southern Union.   An Elven druid, Nerus showed the beginnings of an affinity with water, and was able to change into a liquid form.   He died in the sewers below Kimet, after being engulfed by a gelatinous cube in the lair of Aurelia Sing.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Nerus exhibited a definite affinity with water, more so than most druids, and soon before his death became able to actually turn himself into a liquid form, capable of concealing himself easily in water and squeezing through small gaps.

Apparel & Accessories

Nerus always wore a small rope pendant, upon which hung a large, curved, carnivores tooth. When asked about it, Nerus would not give much away about it, other than 'Nessie' had let him keep it.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Nerus identified as Male.


Nerus made it clear to everyone that he was Gay.

Personality Characteristics


People had very little time to get to now Nerus, but from what they did learn, he appeared to be looking for an older, female Wood Elf that he may or may not have been related to.
Current Location
Date of Birth
3rd of The Alchemist (Estimated) PR.2837
2837 PR 3127 PR 290 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Nerus was found abandoned as a baby on an island in the middle of raging floodwaters.
Circumstances of Death
Nerus' death was unexpected. He was engulfed by a gelatinous cube.
Valley of Whispers, The Black Peak Mountains, Sud-Hestoria
Left Green, Right Blue
Long white hair with blue roots
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, Tanned
5ft 11
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Nerus showed linguistic skill in Common, Elvish, Goblin, and the secret language of Druids.


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