Dane Harmon Character in Caeteria | World Anvil

Dane Harmon

Sheriff Dane Tarris Harmon

Sheriff Dane Harmon is leader of the Leviva Militia. He is responsible for keeping everyone in the town safe, a job made much harder recently with the increase in goblin activity nearby.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A strict diet and training regime keeps Sheriff Harmon in decent physical shape. While age is starting to show, he could still give any of his constables a run for their money.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Formerly a member of Torfe's Antiquity Guard, Dane Harmon spent much of his career chasing smugglers and running bandits out of their holes. When the life of a soldier began to grow too much for him, he accepted an offer from the town of his birth, Leviva, to take the position of Sheriff.


Sheriff Harmon has little formal education, but spent a great deal of time in his youth teaching himself to read and write, seeing it as a step towards bettering himself.

Morality & Philosophy

Sheriff Harmon, as a former soldier turned lawman, is lawful by nature, and takes ill towards anyone who would try to subvert or break the law.

Personality Characteristics


It is fairly clear that the primary desire of Sheriff Harmon is to keep Leviva safe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

As one would expect from a lawman, Harmon seems to have a knack for reading people and, if needed, extracting information from them. He is also able to calm tense situations to try and avoid folk coming to blows.

Likes & Dislikes

Sheriff Harmon likes people who are trustworthy, and will offer help to those he feels are trustworthy enough to help him out if he needs it.


Contacts & Relations

Sheriff Harmon works quite closely with Alderman Soyen Jinn of Leviva.   Sheriff Harmon asked a group of adventurers to help him recover a missing shipment.
Current Location
Date of Birth
9th Alchemist
Year of Birth
3066 PR 61 Years old
Current Residence
Dark Hazel
Bald, trimmed whitening beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
171 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Sheriff Harmon has been known to speak Common


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