Gilrint Organization in Caerul | World Anvil
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Gilrint, the place where dreams can come true. As you cross the bridge from the mainland to Gilrint you can notice the appeal almost immediately. Outside the city gates, there are venders of a wide variety of races selling their wares just trying to make a living in this world and Gilrint is the only place that will accept them for who and what they are. Inside the city, the streets are packed with people buying and selling or just bustling about. Between the streets there are rivers being traveled via ferries heading to unknown locations. Not everything is as happy as it seems in the daylight of Gilrint. Under the bustling city streets in the sewers, the theaves and spies operate in darkness dealing in secrets and murder for the Father of Owls. Mercenaries hired by local crime bosses hunt for those who owe them their due. Gilrint, the place were dreams come true but at a high price.


Gilrint is run by Triumveate of 3 different humanoids who make decisions for their part of the economy. The Argovs, Lehrers, and Demetrias. The Argov family line is over the military and mercenary forces. The Lehrer family line is over Gilrints underworld which consists of spy networks, black market trading, and a network of thieves that steal from other countries to help fill Gilrint coffers. The Demetria family line deals with the trade both inside and outside the city. All businesses and guilds are run by individuals but they have to get permission from the head of their business/guild type.

Public Agenda

Gilrints goal is to appear united no matter what while also selling to other counties and making deals to ensue their survival no matter what.


A large stockpile of gold and platinum from years of trade as well as raw materials flowing in from Harquil and Thruun'mar. Gilrint also has a network of spies to gain intel on other counties as well as just gain general information. Gilrint has a standing army as well as numerous mercenary companys loyal to Gilrint despite being hired by other countries for their wars.


Gilrint was founded by a group of individuals who did not have a home after Xerune deviated the continent and came together to create a place without judgement where anyone can live and not be discriminated against for who they are. An elven man named Ozi Lehrer, a human woman named Cassandra Argov, a dwarf named Munga Mac'IlleChiar, a gnome named Nesaea Demetria, and a halfling named Wynbald Cheesewright. Ozi, Cassandra, Munga, Nesaea, and Wynbald all came together and created this country starting as a small village and slowly expanding into a thriving country. Ozi created an underground network of spies, thieves, and a black market. Cassandra created and trained the army, but never waged war without provocation. Munga was able to broker a deal with Thruun’mar to allow them to mine on the coast and in turn Thruun’mar would gain 50% of what Gilrint mined. Nesaea was able to establish trade with the gnomes of Harquil trading rare raw materials from their mines and in return gaining an abundance of goods. Wynbald brought people from everywhere to join them and give them a better life. This was about 800 years ago. The Cheesewirght family died out about 500 years ago due to a plague as did the Mac'IlleChiar family. This left the 3 reamining families to lead Gilrint.

Demography and Population

Gilrint is a mixing pot of all races and beliefs from around the world. Those who live in Gilint usualy live the average lifespan of their races.


They have a medium standing military but have a large number of mercenaries at their call who operate within the city and are loyal to it.

Technological Level

Gilrint has as technologicly developed as the rest of Seldar expect for Harquil.

Foreign Relations

There are many different languages in Gilrint but Common is most popular.

Trade & Transport

Most trade is done by ship but here is some trade by land to Thuurn'Mar. There are numerous waterways leading out of Gilrint to every other country on the continent allowing for trade routes via boat.


There are a few schools in Gilrint that offer a standard education to the youth of Gilrint
Political, Triumvirate
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Major Exports
Gilrint exports anything from mercenaries to ale. Anything they can make a profit on they will sell.
Major Imports
Gilrint will import anything they can use but their main import is raw materials from Thruun'Mar and Harquil.
Legislative Body
The council of Gilrint votes on the laws that that can should be inacted.
Judicial Body
The council of Gilrint.
Neighboring Nations

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