la Sorcières de Destin Organization in Caen | World Anvil
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la Sorcières de Destin

la Sorcières de Destin, or the 'Witches of Destiny', are a largely autonomous shadow organization answering only to King Julius Raelthorne of Cygnar. Few individuals are even aware of this shadow corps, and those who do are usually at the receiving end of their blades. Those rare few who are in contact with la Sorcières de Destin recognize them by their gunmetal cloaks, mechanical gauntlets, and scythes. Valuing patience above all else, they serve as the crown's personal reapers, spies, and covert operatives. 

Individuals do not apply for a position in la Sorcières de Destin, the Witches of Destiny find you. Their ranks are full of former rouges, assassins, thieves, and masters of stealth. Upon recruitment, individuals are paired with a partner and the two work as one. While they are taught the symbolic language of the guild, the identities of other members are heavily guarded. While members usually know the leadership's codenames, very few have ever met them. Simply they are led by codename: The Watcher.
Alternative Names
The Witches of Destiny
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members
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