Ralnin Character in Caelum Prime | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Gloomscape Lurker)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Gloomscape Lurker is an enigmatic entity with a dark and troubled history, deeply intertwined with the Gloombringers. Legend has it that aeons ago, when Infinite Grace made Caelum Prime and blocked the Gloombringers, they made this creature to fit in and survive on the new world.   It is a water and air breather. It is a harbringer of despair, spreading chaos and despair for the Gloombringers. Its presence was often heralded by the encroaching darkness, accompanied by whispers of dread. Entire villages fell into despair at its approach, their inhabitants consumed by fear and madness.   Despite the efforts of brave heroes and valiant warriors, the Gloomscape Lurker proved to be a formidable adversary, its shadowy form eluding capture as it slipped effortlessly between the realms of light and darkness. Some whispered that it was not merely a creature of flesh and bone, but a manifestation of the very shadows themselves, an embodiment of the primal fear that lurked within the hearts of mortals.   It is one of the ancient ones that once walked freely but hasn't been seen in at least a thousand years.
Current Location

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character Portrait image: by Lady Wynter


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