Principality of Seres Organization in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

Principality of Seres


The Principality of Seres has a feudal structure. This structure is as follows:
  • Baron: The hereditary ruler of the Principality. He/she weilds ultimate authority.
  • Council of Elders: A group of respected individuals from different communities within the Principality who advise the Baron on important decisions.
  • Steward: Manages the Principality's finances, collects taxes, and ensures the smooth running of daily affairs.
  • Castellan: The military leader responsible for the Principality's defence and overseeing the castle.
  • Knights of Seres: A small, elite force of heavily armored warriors sworn to protect the barony and the baron. They are often drawn from noble families or those who have distinguished themselves in service.
  • Guilds: Skilled artisans and tradespeople form guilds that regulate their professions, maintain quality standards, and contribute to the barony's economic well-being.
  • Freeholders: Landowners who are not knight but owe loyalty and taxes to the Baron.
  • Serfs: Peasnts who work the land for the nobility and won them a harvest or labor.


Life in Seres revolves around agriculture and a strong sense of community.
  • Hard Work and Self-Reliance: The people of Seres value hard work and take pride in their ability to provide for themselves and the barony.
  • Respect for Hierarchy: Feudal social order is strictly observed. People know their place and respect their superiors.
  • Community Celebrations: Holidays and festivals are centered around harvests, religious observances, and military victories.
  • Stoicism and Resilience: Life on the land can be harsh. The people of Seres are known for their stoicism in the face of hardship and their resilience in overcoming challenges.
  • Close Ties to the Land: The people of Seres have a deep connection to the land they work. They revere nature and take pride in their agricultural skills passed down through generations.


The Principality of Seres was founded centuries ago by a charismatic leader who rallied the scattered mountain communities to resist a larger invading force.   Over time, the barony has faced numerous challenges, from raids by marauding tribes to border disputes with neighboring lords. These struggles have forged a resilient people, fiercely loyal to their home and their way of life.   Despite the hardships, Seres has also known periods of peace and prosperity. Trade with neighboring regions has brought wealth and cultural exchange. The barony is known for its skilled metalworkers who take advantage of the rich mineral deposits found in the mountains.   The current political climate is one of cautious optimism. The present baron seeks to expand trade routes and improve infrastructure while maintaining a strong military presence to deter potential aggressors.

Breadbasket of the World

Founding Date
5 Verdantia 36 AE
Geopolitical, Barony
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Palace economy
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Plots

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character flag image: by Azgaar


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