Moonlight Gathering Tradition / Ritual in Caelum Prime | World Anvil

Moonlight Gathering


The tradition started when the tribe was still new. Once a month, with the full moon, everyone would gather together to tell stories, share music and to dance.   The purpose behind this was to bring the tribe closer together, and remind everyone what their goal was. For the stories would be about the dragons of long ago, and the sacred knowledge they possesed.   Eventually over the years a storyteller emerged. This storyteller would tell the stories of the dragons, as well as the history of the tribe (where they'd been, what they'd found, births, deaths, all the joys and sorrows).   Music and dance remained a strong part of this tradition.


The whole tribe attends. Now that there is a storyteller, he/she tells the stories. Everyone (who knows how to play) takes turns playing music.


This takes place once a month, with the full moon. It starts at sundown with storytelling. The storytelling will go throughout the night as does the music and the dancing. It concludes at sunrise with the storyteller telling one final story about the dragons and why the tribe is searching for them.   In the last ten years, the stories about the dragons have been buried somewha and the storyteller reminds the tribe that there is life outside the woods.
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Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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