Dhalnin Character in Caelum Prime | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Nightbane)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nightbane is a sleek, feline-like creature with jet-black fur and glowing, predatory eyes. It haunts the dreams of its victims before manifesting in the waking world to claim its prey.   Legend has it that the Nightbane was once a noble creature, a guardian of the night tasked with protecting the realms of dreams from malevolent forces. However, the Gloombringers were able to corrupt and twist the Nightbane to serve their own dark purposes.   Under the influence of the Gloombringers, the Nightbane became a creature of shadow and malice, its once noble intentions warped into a desire for fear and destruction. It began to prey upon the dreams of mortals, feeding on their darkest fears and nightmares, before striking silently and draining its victim of blood. Despite this last trait, it is not a Vampyre and does not fall under the purveiw of the Vatican.   Some pray that one day Nightbane will be returned to its original purpose.   Nightbane is one of the ancient creatures.
Current Location

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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