Ashandri: History of a young world

Timeline of the major events in the first four years after the creation of Ashandri

Ashandri: Age of Rebirth

The world of Virthys is destroyed. The world-island Ashandri is built from fragments of the old world, and reborn in Braythe.   The dates follow the widely used Arcanist Calendar:  

  • The last hours before the first day of Ashandri
    The Last Day
    Disaster / Destruction

    The world of Virthys died in the apocalypse brought by the dragon god Zathruax. The reborn world of Ashandri experienced shock and confusion.

  • Day 1 of Ashandri / First Void of Year 1, Day of Ice
    The first day of Ashandri
    Era beginning/end

    Chaos and despair erupted in the newborn world. Magic transforms the land and its inhabits, and ghostly hauntings terrify the survivors.

  • Day 2 of Ashandri / Second Void of Year 1, Day of Ash
    Day 2: New boundaries
    Military action

    After all that happened, the overwhelming desire for Ashandri's denizens was stability. New borders were established, new leaders chosen, and in many cases, those who endangered stability were declared enemies.

  • Days 3-5 of Ashandri / 3rd-5th Void of Year 1
    The days of the Arcanists
    Cultural event

    A message of hope changes the world. Just not for everyone.

  • Day 6 of Ashandri / 6th Void of Year 1, Day of the Ocean
    The return of the gods

    After being cut off from all other planes for five days, new conduits open up, and the gods return to Ashandri. But they are not the only ones coming into the world...

  • The first year of Ashandri
    The Year of the First Invasion
    Military action

    New neighbours show up. And they want war.

  • Years 2-4 of Ashandri
    A time of peace and the second invasion
    Military action

    For over two years, the world seems to find peace. Then, the armies of Va'Laeth return.

  • Year 5 of Ashandri
    Current day

    The year the adventures begin for you and your group!