The Hurákanis Organization in Boricubos | World Anvil
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The Hurákanis

There was once a time when the hurákani got along with every race, laughing and joking along with them and integrating into whatever towns they came into. However, with the start of the war in the heavens, this has changed relations with the taínem and most importantly the wolákani most dramatically. The hurákani and wolákani used to be the greatest of friends, seeing themselves as two halves of the same who despite the fact that they were created by different gods entirely. But with the war in the heavens spilling down to earth,

Foreign Relations

the Anabaguas

We definitely understand their importance to the community, however, they are far too proud of being the Eldest race. We’re just as much a part of nature as they are, but they like to shove that we are a relatively new race in our faces. This doesn’t stop us from going to them for aid and advice every now and then, as is only respectful; after all, they’ve been on Boricubos for a lot longer than we have.

the Baracúdens

The baracúden were kind enough to let us into their underwater cities, and help with their problems with the adaro and sahuagin. Sure, they are a bit uptight, but they are great allies to have in general and due to the war in the heavens. They are amazing fighters, and have taught us everything they know about combat. Still, there is a rift between Ataba’s Faithful and the Defenders of the Archipelago, which is causing large problems in their community. We wish more would turn to Ataba’s doctrines and commands, but we’ll take whatever help we can get.

The Coquíans

Just a few years ago, they were fine with our existence, but now they seem to despise us, spitting wherever we go, exiling us out of their communities for the smallest of pranks, and even getting a bit hostile if there are more of them than us. We try to keep our distance nowadays, as that’s all we can do.

The Iguacas

Being winged creatures, you’d really think they’d have sided with us in the war, but I suppose this is a conflict between land and sea, with Guabanca staying neutral, or at least harassing us all equally. It’s no wonder they decided to turn into mercenaries and fight for both sides. We really can’t blame them one bit.

the Taínems

It’s a shame that we have to fight them. They used to be some of our strongest allies, and now it’s come to bloodshed. Still, not all of them are as excited about the war as the wolákan, and so some actually leave us alone rather than harassing us. It’s like with the baracúden, it seems that they have splintered into factions with some believing that peace is achievable, while others are blindly following the orders of Yokaho. We hold no enmity towards them as a whole, as even in conflict, they try not to kill us, but take us prisoner.

the Wolákanis

They are enemies to be destroyed. They were once our friends, but it was their fires that started the conflict between us, and now that bond has been severed. We will not stop until the very last of the wolákan have been punished for their crimes against us.

Geopolitical, Tribe

Fragile Peace


Former Allies


Sworn Enemies

Cover image: by Daniel Brorsson


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