Kmaranic Language in Borgalor | World Anvil
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Kmaranic: Kmaranholpox /khmʌːɾʌːnhɔlphɔːks/
Jekralonic: Kmaranopóx /khmaranhɔphouːks/

Kmaranic1 is an endangered human language spoken by the few Kmarans who survived the Fell Wars and their descendants, though many of the latter have better grasp on the far more widespread Kmúþic tongue and favour the Jekralonic script over their traditional one, in part due to the ill reputation that kmaranic has gained following the war.

Writing System

Like many human languages, kmaranic is written using a syllabary, traditionally one similar to zynþrakic with letters derived from ancient glyphs used as family or tribal emblems, though since the war, there has been a steady shift towards the more widespread jekralonic syllabary instead. Much like the spoken language, the kmaranic script has become associated with necromancy and other nefarious things in media and pop culture, to the point that typefaces imitating it are now widely considered a cliche.

Geographical Distribution

Today, kmaranic speakers are scattered throughout western and southern Jælondis as well as the Southlands, with the the largest communities found in the latter region.


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