The Red Death Condition in Boomal | World Anvil
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The Red Death

Transmission & Vectors

The disease can be transmitted by a simple contact of mucosis with infected blood. Most often, the disease is catched when the sebaceous glands are infected on the hands. This is not a big issue since the bacteria cannot cross the skin to reach blood vessels, but a simple rub on the eyes spreads the bacteria in the eye mucosis, or a simple lick on the hands can start the disease.


The first visible symptoms often are blood losses from the eyes and lacrymal glands. Once the disease spreads to other glands, blood begins to flow from salivary glands, genital glands, sebaceous glands, and all other exocrine glands. As blood becomes to ooze from the skin and body openings, the person begins to be weakened by fever and excessive blood loss. Glands become inflammated, skin swells, and sick people end up being unable to eat.   This awful disease is painful and nasty, and often leads to a slow and painful death, after several weeks, either by an overly massive blood loss, a systemic infection, or surinfection by other diseases.


In a report to the ASA, we can read a small text on the Red Death. Here is what it says:
It has been observed that the bacteria does not do well at temperatures higher than 30 °C, which may be why it does not infect the most internal organs, and stays in the periphery. This being said, it could be related to its lesser presence in the Golden Sea.

Hosts & Carriers

Camporaptorids are healthy carriers. They don't seem to be bothered by it, probably because their overall body temperature is higher.

Cultural Reception

Followers of the Rebaal religion are convinced that the Red death is a divine punition, created by the goddess Sen.
Affected Species

Cover image: by Furilax


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