Slitherbeasts Species in Boomal | World Anvil
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From the  Myriad Islands, all the way to the North, the Eastern ocean is home of countless sea creatures. Sailors share countless tales of huge, strange beings with long, scaly bodies and large heads, which sometimes attack ships. And the tales are not nearly as exaggerated as you'd think, for these creatures exist, and we call them slitherbeasts. Their sleek body is perfect for swimming, Ranging from grey to deep blue, their bodies are speckled with white spots, and their numerous fins often have n iridescent shade to them. Their head have large eyes and a huge, gaping mouth, cerrated with pointy teeth. They are so fast that they can outspeed the best ships with ease, and they can swiftly disappear in the depths. They probably feed on other large creatures roaming these seas, and sometimes target small fishing boats. 
It's not rare to see a ship come back to port with deep scratches and bite marks on its flanks, and some ships often disappear, fueling the fear caused by these creatures among sailors.

Cover image: by Furilax


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Mar 1, 2021 20:12

Nice little article. Really captures the feel.