Covricoccids Species in Boomal | World Anvil
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Covricoccids are a genera of gastropods that is quite widespread in the continent. Coming in a variety of shapes and sizes, some are carnivorous while others only feed on plants. They can be a reliable source of food in the regions in which they abound. Covricoccids are commonly called hooded snails, for their colorfoul skin cover that protects the shell

Basic Information


The covricoccids are characterized by a fragile transparent shell, that reveal the colour of their insides. These snails posess a colorful flesh coat that covers the shell. When threatened, they retract their body inside the shell, instantly hiding in the background.

Genetics and Reproduction

Covricoccids lay their eggs on the underside of leaves. They choose the plant they lay their eggs on, for it needs to be the food of their offspring, or of the offspring's preys if it is a carnivorous species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The majority of covricoccids consists of plant-eating species, but one group evolved into hunting and feeding on other covricoccids.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Carnivorous covricoccids use electromagnetic detection of their preys, and are able to subdue them by stabbing them in a swift attack with a cerrated, poison-coated harpoon.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: by Furilax


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