löadbvup Species in Binaka | World Anvil


Löadbvupän मॕझएच्रॗऋ /lɔˈadβupʌn/ Thevan (singular: löadbvup मॕझएच्र, literally "great horse") were the great riding beasts of the wizards in the first age. They would often be magically augmented by their riders.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Löadbvupän have a high animal intelligence. They are easily trained and can learn tricks and tactics. An individual riding beast will often form a bond with its rider, preferring that rider to all others.
75 years
Average Height
10–12 feet
Average Weight
4.2–6.3 tons
Average Length
12–15 feet, tail adds 3 feet
Average Physique
Very muscular, especially in the legs

Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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