Aspru Smilades Organization in Binaka | World Anvil

Aspru Smilades

A religion dedicated to the worship of Thōsh (Smilades).

Tenets of Faith

Respect Nature

All of nature is holy. It should always be respected. There are times when it must be protected or even defended. However, the nature also provides the means of survival in the form of food and shelter. Plants and animals can be gathered and/or hunted for food, clothing, and shelter, but the entirety of the plant or animal must be used in some way.  

Leave No Trace

It is necessary for individuals (and groups) to travel through nature. When doing so, it is best to leave no evidence of said travel. Use only what is needed from nature, don't leave behind traces of civilization.  

Communicate with the Natural World

While not obvious to most people, all things in the Natural World have voices. One must train oneself to hear those voices.
Religious, Organised Religion

Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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