Dragon Species in Biethal | World Anvil


Dragons are ancient creatures who were created by the gods after the Fire War. They were originally envisioned as elemental guardians, protecting people from violence. They quickly failed at this and during the God War many of them defected to the side of Dó’glíve under the Great Dragon Queen Tiamat. Some Dragons remained on the side of good under the Dragon Prince Bahamut.   Dragons are extremely powerful and extremely dangerous, even those which are considered good.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Every Dragon is different, with different powers and breath weapons. Their are certain common features among almost all dragons. They are large, growing to the size of a city block, capable of flight, and immense magical capabilities.   Some dragons have scales, feathers, or even fur in some cases. Breath weapons are even more varied, with things like fire or ice being common, but also more exotic instances such as one dragon that could spit molten gold.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Adult Dragons typically live alone, or in mated pairs. Some dragons keep other species in their lairs as entertainment or protection.


Don't even try.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dragons are found in every environment where they can keep an isolated lair. This can be a mountain top, frozen glacier, barren island, undersea grotto, or deep cave. Certain types of dragons prefer certain habitats.

Average Intelligence

Most are above average in intelligence.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

It differs from dragon to dragon, but most value something, and keep a horde of some kind. Most common is valuing obviously precious metals and gems, but some dragons like to collect rare scrolls, or pieces of art. Another common interest is in collecting different kinds of people to keep in their service.

Gender Ideals

Gender matters very little to Dragons, and many do not even identify as anything in particular. It only comes up when a dragon decides to bear children.

Courtship Ideals

When a dragon wishes to mate, they go in search of a partner, usually in dragon form. When they meet a mate that meets their expectations, the two begin to fight, sometimes for days, until they are both satisfied with the others martial or magical prowess. After this the two mate, and then lay a clutch of eggs. Some dragons stay together to watch and raise the hatchlings, but in many cases only one parent will stay, and in some cases the eggs will be left on their own.   Very rarely a Dragon will take a mate from among the Cognizana. This is most often done by young dragons, and is seen as rather embarrassing by the dragon community, as the cognizana are seen as "easy".

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All dragons know an ancient language known as Draconic. Many also learn other languages depending on the kind of people they interact with.


Dragons are old as the world, being one of the first things the ancient gods created.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dragons consider themselves the peak of life on the material plane. Depending on their disposition they may "lesser" species with contempt, interest, or apathy. Younger dragons usually spend many year exploring the world of the Cognizana in a disguise, observing, helping, or manipulating. Some Dragons decide to rule over these people in their true form, but most prefer to live their lives in isolation, with possible a small group of loyal retainers.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name