Player Costume & Phyreps in Beyond Ragnarok | World Anvil

Player Costume & Physreps

The details and artwork within this guide are for the purpose of forming a basis for creating characters of the four playable races of the game. It is not designed as the ‘be all and end all’ of what they can look like.


You will notice that the artwork used with the descriptions depict individuals of all ages, sizes and skin tones. We do not want anyone to feel that they cannot play one of our races because other fantasy literature has told them that, for example; an Elf can only be tall, slim and pale. Anyone can play any of our races!

Generic kit

A basic Viking look can be used as the basis of clothing for most of the realms/races and should not look out of place anywhere – though you should still pay attention to your specific racial brief – a Human on Svartalfheim isn’t likely to have a richly embroidered tunic, for example.

The look can include a simple tunic and trousers, dress and overdress or combinations thereof, often cinched with a belt. Cloaks help not only with looking heroic but with keeping warm.

Wool, linen and cotton are common fabrics, with accents of tablet weaving, fur or beaded jewellery. These basic pieces can then be made elaborate for an Asgardian King or simple and practical for a Vanaheim farmer, for example.

Braided hair in various styles is also common but not necessary.


Race Specific