Vanaheim Alfar in Beyond Ragnarok | World Anvil

Vanaheim Alfar

The Lloss Alfar who went to Vanaheim, were those who did not agree with Provenance and sought those of Frey’s old family. They left shortly after the rise of Provenance, only to then find Vanaheim had equalised even the Gods.

Kit & Makeup

As well as the information presented here there is a pinterest board directly dedicated to Lloss Alfar upon Vanaheim, created by refs, crew and players for inspiration purposes:



The Lloss Alfar upon Vanaheim have kept a lot of their elegant styles, but have tailored themselves to the colours of nature. Alfar have always been colour oriented, and some things cannot be extinguished completely.[p/]  

Facial Markings: Lloss Alfar on Vanaheim still paint their faces, though unless they were a skin artist upon Alfheim, the level of details may have gone down. As well the swirls of tradition, Alfar here have also adopted the tendency to use flowers and trees in their designs.

by MGS


Alfar upon Vanaheim had a hard time accepting the Vanir Gods as equals, and even now there is a lot of deferral to them. This on occasion causes friction with the Humans who have adopted the equality of the realm with wholehearted belief. The Lloss on Vanaheim do not bare the Humans any ill will, however, and many Alfar live side-by-side with them in the towns and cities.

The Jotunborn presence was another hard thing for the Lloss Alfar on Vanaheim to swallow. The Jotunborn have historically been associated with Hel, and since Hel rook Frey from them, the Alfaran hatred of Hel transferred to Jotunborn in the absence of her presence. For the most part, however, this old prejudice is now gone from the Lloss on Vanaheim. But, whenever arguments do break out between the two races, this is usually what the Lloss Alfar lead with.


The Alfar upon Vanaheim are now the most tolerant of their race towards the Svartalfar as well. Though they do not come across them often, as trade with the Svarts is rare, they will at least talk to them with civility and respect.