Dominion of Man Organization in Between Man and Machine | World Anvil
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Dominion of Man

When the Neila came, it became evident that the atavistic and fractured society of the past could not remain. War came, merciless and swift, and when it was done only the Dominion remained.
— General Havik, Commandant of Eureka Base (Mars Trojan Colonies)
  The Dominion of Man is a totalitarian military junta purely focused on the defeat of the Neila Confederation, lead by one General Falkenheim who is jointly the commander-in-chief of all human forces. The Dominion promises to relinquish power to human leaders once the war is over, but it is still unclear whether this intention is genuine of simply propaganda. Regardless, it is the most powerful force fighting for humanity in the Solar War.


The world of the Dominion is divided into seperate military sectors, each under the protection of at least one division of Rehabilitative Service Cyborgs as well as a small fleet. Seperate from these protectorates are the offensive forces of the Dominion, pointed like vengeful swords at the heart of the foe.
  The Generals of the Dominion of Man divided the territories of the former Earth among themselves and set about increasing military production to the maximum sustainable by mankind. Many sectors are combined under the command of capital worlds such as Luna Base, Mars, and Eureka in the Mars Trojans. Luna and Mars both also enjoy special treatment as the designated major shipyard and training grounds for the Dominion's navy and army, respectively.

Public Agenda

There is only one aim for the Dominion: to eliminate these Neila before they eliminate us. That is our purpose: war, total war.
— General Shlykova
  The only agenda espoused by the Dominion of Man is the total eradication of the Neila race before the Neila can eradicate humanity. They argue that due to the technological gap between the Neila and the humans, once the Neila fix the sabotaged drives on their ships they will be able to crush humanity at their pleasure unless humans have similar drives. However, the Neila refuse to share any of their technology with humanity, preventing humans from ever getting technological parity with the Neila. For this reason, humanity must act to prevent them from ever repairing their technology and drive them from the Solar System.


Humanity currently commands the entire inner solar system, including swarms of space based solar panels orbiting the sun, Earth, Mars, Luna, the Mars Trojans, the major bases of the Asteroid Belt, and various other bases near Mercury and Venus. The Dominion also has hundreds of spacecraft and an army of humans and Rehabilitative Service Cyborgs of upwards of 100 million.

Strength United is Stronger

Founding Date
2980 CE
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Manufactured Items
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