Mars Geographic Location in Between Man and Machine | World Anvil
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If Luna provides the Dominion's fleet, Mars provides its armies. Here is where the fabled legions of Rehabilitative Service Cyborgs are trained alongside their human counterparts. Its purpose is war, and it delivers.
— General Falkenheim, Commander-in-Chief
  Mars serves as the heart of the Dominion's war efforts against the Neila Confederation in the Solar War. As the headquarters of the Dominion's armies, Mars trains and equips tens of millions of soldiers to push back the threat posed by the aliens.   Prior to the founding of the Dominion, Mars also played a key role in preventing the advance of the Neila in the first phase of the Solar War, by developing the technology for Rehabilitative Service Cyborgs, creating new soldiers and denying the enemy the advantage of infiltration. The Dominion was founded in a coup on Mars four years after the first phase of the Solar War was completed.
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