Neila Confederation Organization in Between Man and Machine | World Anvil
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Neila Confederation

They know everything about us and we know next to nothing about them. That is why they win.
— Captain Shlykova of the Terra Incognita
  The Neila Confederation is the name given to the organization governing all Neila in the galaxy. Little is known about this race from the viewpoint of humanity due to the current large-scale conflict ongoing. However, it is generally understood that the Neila were originally much more technologically advanced than their present-day forms before sabotage damaged much of what they had. It is also known that whatever greater galactic race the Neila are a part of have no interest in the Solar System or the Neila Confederation.   After coming to the Solar System, the Neila were nearly crippled by a plague from Earth bacteria. This caused a breakdown in relations between them and the humans on Earth and in the inner solar system. Soon, the Solar War began after the Terra Incognita noted intensive militarization of Titan, which has continued to this day. Currently, the Neila are working to try to fix their broken technologies to strike back at humanity before the humans destroy the Neila home base of Titan.
Founding Date
2959 CE
Geopolitical, Colony
Power Structure
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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