Titan Geographic Location in Between Man and Machine | World Anvil
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The probes told us all we needed to know... the moon was in the right temperature range [between 90 and 110 Kelvin] for liquid methane. Such a system would be habitable... although the hot-blooded organisms around what they call 'Earth' must be dealt with with all haste.
— Unnamed Neila Commander
  Titan is a moon of Saturn, noted for having methane "seas" upon its oceans. The atmospheric signatures from this moon were detected by the Nelia, which marked it as suitable for a colony. Currently, it is the headquarters of the Neila Confederation in a war against the other sentient species of the solar system, the humans.  

Political Importance

Based on what little diplomacy has been conducted with the Neila, they originally intended this planet to become a resort planet for dignitaries in their empire, unaware that humans lived in the system. However, the specific fleet sent to Titan had been sabotaged by court intrigue: those sent on the mission were meant to die in deep space due to malfunctions in their faster-than-light drives and other technologies.   Things did not go exactly as planned with the Neila surviving the transit and fighting a war with the humans, a fight evened by the fact that their technological levels had been set back several hundred years. Both sides continue to engage in an arms race centered at conquering each other's homeworlds: for the humans, therefore, Titan is a key objective in driving out the alien invaders.


  Titan is much smaller than Earth, with surface area about twice that of Asia. Interestingly, Titan is one of the few bodies in the Solar System outside of Earth to have significant weather. This has led to varied structures on the surface, such as dunes, highlands, and lakes of methane. Most of the Neila's forces are arrayed around what humans call "Kraken Mare", a large lake located in the north of the planet.   The Neila have also dug canals to transport methane from the seas in the north to more of the planet. The "Canal Zone" spans several hundred kilometers around several bodies of water, allowing more arable land to grow crops and other resources.   Due to the forbidding nature of how cold Titan is, as well as its distance from Earth, the Dominion of Man has been unable to send significant forces to eradicate the Neila on Titan. Still, plans have been created for an invasion if necessary, and the Dominion still claims all of Titan as its own.


The arrogance of those hot-blooded lifeforms knows no bounds! They poison our world: several have fallen to a first wave of plague. Some believe it is intentional, setting these metal boxes on the planet: I think it is negligience, but even then it is not a good look on those who call themselves 'humans'
— Overlord of Titan
  Prior to the Neila's coming to Earth, many scientists discounted the idea of life finding a home on the barren world. However, the Neila brought an abundance of lifeforms to the planet during its colonization period, and now much of the planet is filled with the lush purple of their grasses and trees. Interestingly, a few Earth extremophile microbes, carried over by probes such as Cassini, were able to thrive amidst this new world, one of which caused a short-lived plague amongst the aliens.
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Planetoid / Moon
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Data Transmission

  The following is a transmission from the frigate Terra Incognita, which surveyed alien capabilities before they grew to the extent to deny all of humanity the outer solar system. This occurred approximately a decade after the Neila came to the Solar System.  
Initializing Transmissions Module...
Atmospheric spectrometer module indicates that 
atmospheric methane concentrations have grown 
to approximately 10%. The methane cycle has 
been modified to ensure proper levels of life-
sustaining chemicals remain in the atmosphere.
Captain's Remark: Neila attention may be 
drawn to Earth due to increasing methane 
concentrations in the atmosphere.
Other sensor suites indicate that at least 
5% of the surface area of Titan has already 
been forested or covered in grassland. Due to 
the yellow atmosphere filtering light, plants 
appear to be optimized to reflect red and blue 
light, appearing purple in shade. 
Additional signatures of heavy industrial 
activity are present upon Titan's surface, 
most prominently several open pit mines 
near the equator.
Captain's Remark: Total utilization of Titan's 
natural resources seems likely within at most 
a handful of decades. Suggestion to classify 
aliens as Alpha-level threat.

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