Luna Base Settlement in Between Man and Machine | World Anvil
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Luna Base

Steel. It is the lifeblood of Luna. Kilometers of starship pass within its docks as the best technicians of our generation labor to repair, to build. Steel. It punishes, it rewards.
— Unnamed Lunar Citizen
  Luna Base is the starport responsible for the orbital defense of Earth and the construction and maintenance of most of the vessels that currently belong to the Dominion of Man. One of the oldest and most storied bases of humanity, Luna leads the charge in the ongoing Solar War, providing limitless fleets to supplement the armies of Mars in the reconquest of the outer Solar System.


The power Luna holds is unprecedented, supported by swarms of space-based solar panels. Its batteries can even pulverize hundreds of kilometers of asteroid to rain harmless onto Earth. If the Neila Confederation wishes to reach us, Luna is their first target.
— General Falkenheim, press conference
  The defences of Luna are the deadliest known to man, keeping even the powerful Neila far away from Earth for the most part. After the first war, much of its technological development focused inward, on how to prevent the infiltration of enemy forces into Earth's most powerful bastion. In this, they succeeded, at the cost of turning the planet into a totalitarian surveillance state. As such, it was easy for the Dominion of Man to reclaim Luna from sympathetic commanders once they felt prepared to reconquer Earth.
View of Luna:
Founding Date
Before 2400 CE
~40 million
Location under
Owning Organization

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