Rockkeep Settlement in Berkai | World Anvil


Rockkeep is a small town north of the iron gulf. The overarching power behind rockkeep is the Pirate captain Aman de Valdez. Valdez is a viscous captain that pulled together and unified the forces of the iron gulf into one navy. Rockkeep was created as a town / upcoming city to house and care for the forces of Valdez. The name comes from the idea of being built from the rock of the earth and being a keep for his men.


Naval men Farmers Blacksmiths And a variety more


Valdez runs the town through a variety of methods to include fear, corruption and generally decent pay. The city does not live in anarchy due to a perverse social contract.Murder is in general allowed in the city,yet the city maintains a rather low murder rate.The murder rate always seems to be even.


Cannons Naval blockade Walls of reinforced stone.

Industry & Trade

Pirate commune Farming Lumber Ships


The city is a chaotic mess of infrastructure from various water mills throughout the town’s river,to a variety of warehouse near the burgeoning docks of the harbor. The harbor is placed near a well maintained shipyard.over all the town of rockkeep has all the standard trappings of a standard town with the additions of a shipyard.


The board of the Valdez navy Large shipyards Cannons


Damaged ships that can no longer float on their own are salvaged and used as houses within the settlement. As the town grew around this core of boat building the town started to focus on building larger lumber structures the balanced around the core.


A large river runs through the center of town. The town is against the ocean and south of a decent mountain range

Natural Resources

Wood from the nearby forest Fish from the river and ocean Water from the river General food from the farms outside the city
Alternative Name(s)
Valdez’s keep
Outpost / Base
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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