Hero's Day Tradition / Ritual in Belthuran | World Anvil

Hero's Day


The tradition began when the Arbiter came across a soul shortly after the end of the First Era, this mortal of no note stood against an incursion of fiends released during the war of the gods to protect his family, friends, and village. Through his and others' efforts, they were able to repel the fiends, though only due to the sacrifice of the unnamed hero. The Arbiter in a rare show of emotion saved the soul from the clutches of the fiend who had slain the man and told his followers from that this day each year from now on his holy day would be spent remembering the fallen heroes of the world, and enjoying the life they were given from the selfless actions of true heroes by feasting.

Components and tools

The food varies depending on the region but it is widely accepted that the portions are large, that tradition started as a way to show that the people who are alive today can eat and live well thanks to the person(s) who put themselves as risk, or fell to protect them. The Dwarves are famous for their feasts as they will set up large tables in the various districts of Hammerock (the city) where food and drink are brought out in excessive quantities, stories and songs resonate throughout the city during this day as they honor their fallen ancestors. Most of the meal is meat of various kinds but sausages and roast meat from an impressive creature hunted by someone in the celebration is a favorite.


In most cases, each family has their own feast and memorial services to people that were important to their family or those who saved their family directly. In rare cases should a national hero die there can be public services to pay tribute to the fallen hero.


Every year on the 14th of Last Harvest the Hero's Day memorial and feast is performed across most of Savorah.


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