Elves of Savorah in Belthuran | World Anvil

Elves of Savorah

There are three sects of elves in the world they share a common ancestry. The oldest race, are known as Anrashan elves. When the elves who broke off found new homes, they began to evolve into the Falsoree ‘Light Elves’ and the Woldari ‘Spirit Elves’ While the original Anrasha became known by all others as ‘Dark Elves’. The elves are a long-lived race originally evolved from fey spirits. They found the blessing of the prime element of water and were changed into the Anrashan. Which translated to them as ‘Tide touched’.   The maximum age limit of the elves is unknown but once they reach the old life stage the Sylvan courts begin to look at recruiting the Elf into their ranks. These courts are where the Sylvan call home, seen as an evolved state of the Elven race, they are revered greatly by all elves. However, should an Elf refuse such grand honors and prove worthy enough and bypass the venerable stage their hair will begin to turn misty white as their strength begins to fail them. They also become increasingly dependent on being in a misty environment. These mark the calling of the Mist elves, the absolute highest of honors that can be given to an Elf. The most recent example of a worthy Elf was the now former Witchking Moralagos, ruler of the Anrasha for over 10,000 years having fought the change for the last 500 years of his life.   Mist elves are not a race in themselves, rather like the Sylvan they are a new state of being for the Elf. This comes with both a great power and burden chosen by some force when they become a Mist Elf. As far as anyone knows there is no way to slay a Mist Elf however and are managers of the balance of the world, aiding Dragons directly in the preservation of the world.
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