Arcgorzen Material in Belthuran | World Anvil


Few things in this world are as beautiful and deadly as a dragon clad in Arcgorzen armor, all the protection of heavy armor while allowing them to fly. Few things in this world are as terrifying as the crackling hum of a lightning blade wielded by a drazgorra. Few things are as humbling as seeing the Gordiaz, bodies created for the fallen to inhabit and continue their charge despite the call of death.
— Balphdurin nearing the end of his life.
  Arcgorzen is a deeply important material to the Draz Tyran, the arcane essence of the dragons changes the world around them creating the 'Dragon-Touched' the same process that created the Xolnite Kobolds, Drazgorra, Drazgor, Dragonmoths, and many other creatures also affects the metal of the world creating Arcgorzen a truly unique metal capable of a great deal, and even more that has yet to be discovered.


Material Characteristics

There are two states for Arcgorzen which are reffered to as Awakened and Dormant both with different characteristics.   Awakened Awakened Arcgorzen is something truly special and takes a truly skilled being to create as it requires a knowledge of smithing and magic that most would consider expert. It is said only in a foundry blessed by Firaxan’Draedoren can this metal be melted down and refined properly, and the rumor or legends around the process say it requires an enchanted flame to burn forever given freely by a truly ancient fire breathing dragon. Once the metal has been refined it has a glossy ebony exterior, the longer you look at the metal the deeper it seems to become giving the impression of a faint heartbeat. The color of the metal is known to change based on enchantments placed into it. An example being a fire enchantment on a sword made of Awakened Arcgorzen when activated is said to glow white hot, or look like the blade is made of lava, while an electrical enchantment might make the blade be coated in a blue glow that crackles with lightning along its form.           Dormant Arcgorzen when dormant resembles shale with seams of metallic crystals similar to bismuth in pattern, the color depending on what element it resists. Dormant Arcgorozen is extremely hard but known to break apart with a sufficently strong hit. This trait makes it difficult to mine adding in the fact that it is heavy and forms in strange veins means there are few outside of the Draz Tyran that mine this metal.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Awakened Hardness 20, Health 30/inch Awakened Arcgorzen reduces the cost of enchantments by 25% both in terms of time and monetary cost. Items made from the metal weight the same but do no impede motion allowing for flight if used as barding for flying creatures.
  Dormant Hardness 20, Health 10/inch, gives resistance to an element, Acid, Fire, Cold, or Electricity this depends on the place it was harvested and which dragons influenced its creation. Modify the price of the time by 2.5x base, and double the weight.

Geology & Geography

Veins of Arcgorzen appear as pillars in the shape of a hexagon and appear wherever dragons have spent a great deal of time, or the influence of their magic lingers over an extended period of time. Mordereth and Xalandis are the most common places to find Arcgorzen but it can be found nearly anywhere else, usually in isolated places where a dragon might call home. It does not form in the presence of the Vortalon.

Origin & Source

The phenomenon that creates 'Dragon-Touched' creatures does not stop at creatures they are often the last stop of something being affected by the essence of the dragons. The land is known to alter based on the presence of powerful dragons to suit their whims and desires more, this process does happen even unconsciously to other things. Veins of other metals will eventually be turned into Arcgorzen just as the land itself changes and the creatures of the area will change as well.

History & Usage


Arcgorzen was discovered by dragons who were observing the process of different things becoming 'Dragon-Touched'. In their samples, they saw how the process went from inanimate and nonorganic substances would be affected first, then organic compounds, living or once-living material, and finally higher forms of creatures.

Everyday use

Awakened Arcgorzen forms a crucial part of the Draz Tyran being used for most of their buildings and constructions due to how well it can hold an enchantment. It also has ties to the dragons based on the fact that they created it. It is favored for weapons and armor by the drazgorra and Drazgor, while the Kobolds value its enchanting capabilities, and Dragons enjoy using it for art and defense.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Arcgorzen was used heavily in the Ancient Draz Tyran to creature among the most fearsome guardians of their sacred places. The soul of a Drazgorra can easily animate a statue made of this metal and use it as a body to continue defending their charge long after their death. The same is true of Dragons, but the Guardians like those on The Exhibition use an extraplanar creature made to resemble a dragon and house it in a body of Arcgorzen.   The name of Arcgorzen literally translates to Arcane soul metal, the reason for the faint heartbeat that can be felt when starting into the awakened metal is that it is a tiny arcane heart it is tied to the Arcane, the Draz Tyran whose belief is that they are manifestations of the Arcane themselves and that they are the guardians of the Arcane view the metal as yet another example of what the Arcane in balance can bring.
Black with metallic crystals relating to an element
Common State
Solid, Dormant


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