The Mountain Kingdom of Dragovia Organization in Barun | World Anvil
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The Mountain Kingdom of Dragovia

High in the Konigburg Mountains lies the Kingdom of Dragovia. Sheltered by the imposing peaks and cliffs that surround them the Dragovians are secure in the knowledge that their land is truly blessed above all others, safe from invading armies and rich in Nature’s bounty. Lumberjacks harvest the great pines of the mountain glades, miners delve ever deeper into the earth in search of precious metals, and stoic mountaineers watch over the valleys from their Alpine Keeps. Dragovia is known for it’s Orc Conscripts, remnants of the great tribes that once ruled most of the valleys. Today they live in walled off reservations in the most barren regions of the country, typically only leaving when used as auxiliary troops. The Kingdom of Dragovia operates as a great confederation of valley Archdukes (Erzherzöge) who elect the Kaiserreich from among their number. Kaiserreich Albrecht von Orsburg currently reigns, one of the last few rulers who was alive during the Great Rebellion.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Subsidiary Organizations


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