Scherians Ethnicity in Barrens' End | World Anvil


The Pathfinders

Even in chains we will never forget who we are.
— Atan Omreh
  Scherians are the only surviving culture of Phaeacians from Scheria, a tidal locked planet conquered by the Salavar in 956 AN. As the Salavar are renown for, they wiped the minds of their captives and did their best to erase their native culture and identity. Most Scherians live as slaves throughout the galaxy with a minority free population living in diaspora with no drive or desire to retake the home world they were savagely separated from.   The first free Scherians took their freedom during a slave revolt on a Salavar ship. They fled into Sen space, since they abhor slavery and had a historical animosity against the Salavar. They established several freeholds throughout Sen, Shinari, and Pharos space to help facilitate the escape of other Scherians from bondage.   Many, if not most, free Scherians filter into the various sects of the Urugal, where they work for the agenda of their sect. Over the years, there have been several attempts to inspire revolt on Scheria, but without the support of a major power, each was squashed with extreme violence.   As a result, most free Scherians support relief missions to their people and organizations that work to free enslaved populations throughout the galaxy. A group of elders called the Eriyaparkan who happened to be off world during the invasion who composed the Inan'n'ukal, the Book of Memories, as an attempt to save a record of their culture, language, and heritage. Not all Scherians draw their identity from the Inan'n'ukal, but those who do live with a pride that they are upholding the old ways.   The Scherian diaspora is not organized, nor does it have any real connective tissue outside of the Opukari, or priesthood established by the Inan'n'ukal. While they are not an individualistic people, the lack of a legitimate government in exile or other unifying institutions prevents them from developing a collective presence on the galactic stage.   On account of their ability to sense their location and direction of travel, they are highly sought after by the other powers of the galaxy as navigators, explorers, and hunters.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names


Masculine names


Family names



Major language groups and dialects

The Scherian language that exists today is a remnant of the N'palaṅkuṭi language that was a common trade language on the world before the invasion.


Beauty Ideals

The Scherian see proud horns and a proper metallic skin as beautiful. They innately love wide, open spaces, finding openness stunning.

Gender Ideals

As a species with four gender, their understanding of gender is understandably complex.  
Child Gender
  A healthy child is plumb with glistening skin. These are both signs that the child has the stores built up to support their transition to one of the adult genders.  
Chosen: ohtehrfu
  The chosen are a non-reproductive sex that can manifest numerous genders. Depending on the herbs chosen for the transition tincture, they can present as female, male, androgynous, or even agender. There is no right or wrong way for someone to manifest their chosen gender, or the pronouns they will adopt in foreign languages.  
Gardener: ohtotati
  Since the gardener bears children, they are expected to be matronly, warm, kind, and loving, especially if this is the first gender after childhood. When a gardener transitions to the chosen gender later in life they are called am'ma.  
Planter: afita
  As a provider of genetic information to the next generation, a planter must be caring and supportive, A former planter is sometimes called ekopura.

Courtship Ideals

Traditional Scherian relationship are polyamorous, and in the case of a group wanting to have children, there is usually only one gardener in the group, though it is not uncommon to have more. One shows interest in another through showing respect, and honoring the life of the person of interest. In response, the intended while honor the other with a sign of respect.   These signs of respect vary from person to person, and often reflect the skills and talents of the people involved. It could be a song, a work of art, a poem, or even something as simple as an invitation to dance. These actions provide the core of their courtship behaviors.   If the either is already in a relationship, after the sign of respect is honored by the intended, the person is introduced to the other members of the relationship. It is not required for them to enter a relationship with the others, but it is common for them to do so.

Relationship Ideals

Scherian relationships are built on a foundation of honor, respect, and mutual support. While that may sound like the relationships of other species, many of these aspects are ritualized in the Inan'n'ukal, and the exact performance of these rituals is considered a great honor.
by C. E. Dorsett
Encompassed species

Cover image: by C. E. Dorsett


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