Bloody Rain Organization in Baltharos | World Anvil
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Bloody Rain

The "Bloody Rain" is a group of Aaracockra soldiers that work as guards and law-keepers in the North. In the north is where the Airships are made and docked. So this organization not only keeps the law alive here but in the Sky as well. Aaracockra are taught ruthless monk techniques at the Hugo Temple of Compliance.


There are commanding officers who lead each squadron to their respective duties, but they are all equal in Hugo's eyes. Hugo is #1


Very much a Lawful Evil vibe to the group. They carry out their orders without question and if someone does question them, it is Temple of Compliance time.

Public Agenda

Their goals are to keep contraband and horrible people from entering into Hugo City. They will not let foreigners tarnish the good name of Hugo City.


All members of the Bloody Rain are Aaracockra and are trained as monks. They do not require any weapons or money. Simply having the badge of Bloody Rain allows them to get by day to day necessities.


100 years after the first Hugo came and conquered Novakuzran he found Aaracockra Eggs in the mountians to the East. Ever since then the each new generation breed and hatch the Aaracockra to be the perfect soldiers for Hugo.


Founding Date
100 PH
Military, Air Force Squadron
Alternative Names
Sky Savants
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Members of the Bloody Rain have no need for money.

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