Vahrystin Settlement in Azuria | World Anvil
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Level 4 Town   While not technically part of the Four Kingdoms, Vahrystin tries to mimic a country, but via a series of small townships. UNtil recently the town was missing an Or-Kyne representative in the government, however following the death and subsequent scandal around her having murdered the previous Or-Kyne leader by Lady Ismay Berengar, a Nylovor Orc, named Broll Vederkeen, has taken the mantle.

Like most townships, it is heavily agricultural with light lumbering. The town has an usually large number of temples for its size, though Aurentis is typically revered in small alters about the region in the fields and forests.     Primary Religions:
Ulanok (The Maker)
Zonifyr (Giver of Light)
Aurentis (Field & Forest)


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