Mist Speaking Technology / Science in Ayrith | World Anvil

Mist Speaking

Mist speaking is used by the Asirim all over Ayrith to communicate over long distances. An aspect of most Asirim magic involves being able to communicate with the souls of the living and the dead within what is called the Mist, a realm of subconsciousness where all souls reside. Asirim can communicate with each other mentally within this realm, but only if they have consented to being a part of the Mist speaking network. This network is used by the wealthy, including the government of Nairiume, to send messages over long distances. The message is written out for the sender to read to the receiver, who will write down the message as it is recited to them. This will then be passed on to the person the message was truly intended for, which is also communicated to the Asirim involved. This method is used when written letters will take far too long to reach the intended receiver, especially when sending messages across the sea.


Only Asirim can use Mist speaking, as it requires Asirim magic to speak to souls in the Mist, the area where Asirim can communicate with souls of the living and the dead. Those who are Asirim can communicate with each other over long distances by connecting with each other in the Mist. Because this is considered incredibly intimate, those involved must consent to the communication. The one attempting to send a message locates the soul connected to a body in a specific geographical location and mentally nudges the other soul to encourage the Asir to communicate with them. Only souls that have consented to be in the communication network are to be communicated with in this way. That most often includes Asirim employed by the government of Nairiume and its various connected organizations.

Access & Availability
Only the wealthy can afford to use the Mist speaking network.