Fithich'bhaile Settlement in Ayndrinor | World Anvil
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Fithich'bhaile (fit-ick ball-eh)

Fithich'bhaile is a small elvish town in the southern portion of the kingdom of Crann Riocht. It is nestled in the Sinsear Forest at the base of the Backbone Spires mountain range - sustaining plentiful logging and mining industries. Known to outsiders simply at "Fittick", the full elvish name translates to "town of ravens" and is named for the numerous black birds that call this portion of the forest home. These ravens are considered sacred protectors and guardians by the inhabitants, and purposely killing one is a capital crime. These ravens flock all over town in the thousands, perching among the dark buildings or flying down to interact with the townspeople.   The town has been around since the early days of the First Age, when the elves from deeper in the forest began to expand and came upon the mountain tunnels that already existed in this area. The elves - in a contentious decision at the time - called on the dwarves to teach them how to mine properly, and the two peoples have coexisted in the are ever since, though the number of dwarves has slowly dwindled over time as the elves felt more and more comfortable running the mining operations on their own.   Though Fithich'bhaile is perched against the mountains, there is no official part of the town that exists underground. The mine entrances are about half a mile from the town's wall, and there is a primitive funicular that takes people up and down the slope. The area between the town and the mines is patrolled lightly by the town's Watch to make sure no one attacks the funicular infrastructure. Inside the mines, there has been a small unofficial settlement established which houses the Cave Watch, those mercenaries who are hired to keep the miners safe and deal with any threats that emerge from deep underground. There are also a few miners who choose to live in this small settlement instead of trekking back and forth to town between shifts. Neither the town nor the kingdom has tried to tax or forcefully incorporate this settlement, and it exists in the same unofficial status as the myriad forest hamlets for which Crann Riocht is known.


As with many parts of Crann Riocht, the town known as "Fittick" is predominantly elvish, though not quite to the extent the rest of the kingdom is. About 55% of the inhabitants are elven or half-elven, with a fair few drow that have historically found comfort and purpose working in the mines or guarding them from dangerous monsters. The rest of the town is mostly dwarves and humans, with gnomes and halflings making up a noticeable portion as well.   The two biggest industries in Fithich'bhaile are logging/forestry and mining. The mines here mostly produce iron, which is used for all manner of tools, building hardware, and weaponry. Occasionally, miners will hit a gold vein or find other precious metals and gems, but this is not the norm and provides an unexpected boon for the town and kingdom when it happens. For the most part, the town operates on a barter system, with a few of the more well-off families using the elven cruchmona to pay for goods and services. The wealthy families here are primarily the three that own the mines, as they are able to take a cut of the findings for their own pockets - which they sometimes sell outside the kingdom to other people and nations who are interested.


The town of Fithich'bhaile has a Reeve that is appointed by the Council of Druids in Fianna'bhaile. This leader answers directly to the council but has a great deal of autonomy in dealing with the town's administration. Most reeves prefer to hire a series of advisors to assist with various elements of running the town, though this is not a requirement. The reeve has sole responsibility for the town's wellbeing, and the people can unseat the reeve if a popular petition is signed by 60% of the town's citizens and hand delivered to the Council in the capital.   There are few taxes in Fithich'bhaile, with the main ones being applied to anything one produces (timber, mined ore, game, etc.), the sum of which is distributed throughout the town to others who need it. The mine owners and those who operate shops and businesses face a tax on their business profits each month, though many operate on a barter system, so these taxes rarely affect them.


The exterior perimeter of Fithich'bhaile is surrounded by a stone wall with wood and metal gates at several openings. The main access points are in the north where the trade road comes in, and the east which leads to the mines. The other gates lead to the forest and are used by the hunters and foresters primarily. Like the other cities of the elven kingdom, Fithich'bhaile's Watch is made up mostly of rangers and scouts who specialize in long-range combat and counter-thief operations, with a small component of infantry soldiers to enforce the laws in the town and help round up violent criminals. The town does have a small garrison of about 500 troops stationed permanently to provide protection against incursions and harms that might come from the southern lands.


All roads in the town of Fithich'bhaile are paved, with wider avenues leading down the center of the town, connecting the mines and trade roads with the markets and warehouses. Due to the proximity to the mountain range, the town has several geothermal pools, some of which are used to operate smelters and sawmills while others are used as baths and spas. These vents and other underground aquifers provide clean - if somewhat mineral-heavy - drinking water for the town.


Fithich'bhaile has a mostly traditional Japanese style (shoin-zukuri), though most houses are constructed of dark woods and stone giving the town a very Asian Gothic vibe. The main temples resemble Norse stave churches, though with green tile roofs reminiscent of east Asian architecture. The town's buildings fit in very well with the raven theme the town has and allow its eponymous residents to blend in and escape predators.

Founding Date
194 1A
Alternative Name(s)
Fittick, Ravenstown
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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