Faedrion Archipelago Geographic Location in Ayndrinor | World Anvil
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Faedrion Archipelago (fay-dree-un)

The Faedrion Archipelago is located off the southwestern coast of mainland Ayndrinor, specifically southwest of Skerritt and west from Caladrem. It is an uncharted island chain, as the region contains many reefs, volcanic islands, and other geographical features that change frequently. The reefs that connect the different islands make ship navigation very difficult, which partially explains the difficulty in creating accurate maps   The other complicating factor in creating maps or getting information about the archipelago is that the island chain is the territory of the Panache Entente, a well known pirate conglomerate that operates all across Ayndrinor's coasts and oceans. This group is very isolationist and does not let outsiders into their territory except as prisoners. The navigation maps that the pirates themselves use to get back to the home base in Corsair Cove are kept in several parts and distributed to different crew members so no one has a complete map. Seasoned navigators typically have the routes memorized and do not need to reference any part of the map fragments, but very few members reach an age or longevity with the Panache that would allow this. Outsiders may sail around the archipelago and make rudimentary maps, but very few are brave or stupid enough to try and navigate through the archipelago and chance running into a pirate ship.

Alternative Name(s)
Pirate Islands
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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