Ayn The War of the Half March
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The War of the Half March

Military action


Seeking additional land the humans mistake halfling lands as being empty and begin building a settlement sparking a misunderstanding, and subsequent war.

Before Duvonia rose to its impressive size as a city, it grew in several smaller towns spread out, such as Bradendale and Prinum. Also in its fledgling state, Duvonia and its towns lacked an established monarchy, and instead dukes and lordships ruled over specific villages and regions. Of these dukes, Elias Cartwright gained control over the western region and sought to grow even further, driven by ambition to make the villages under his control larger and the more dominant kingdom.   In his avarice he ordered the building of a settlement in the Hearthberry Hills, previously owned by the halflings, unbeknownst to the duke. Even when hearing of scout reports that 'half men' were spotted, Elias dismissed the claims as nomads or children, and restated his order to build, and thus building occurred. Originally the halflings were curious and mostly welcoming, but when their favorite trees or picnic spots were claimed for humans, they approached the duke, seeking an audience. They explained their position and terms, seeking to offer a portion of their land in return for sanctuary of their home...An alliance of sorts, built on the need for land on both sides.   The duke refused as the terms offered were too small for his ambitious plans and demanded the halflings abandon their home. Unwilling, the halflings remained in their habitat and when the humans attempted to continue their building they were sabotaged or found in ruins by sunrise.   War broke out, pitting human tenacity against halfling cleverness, often cited as 'The War of the Half March' since both sides were reported as saying they were making very little movement, even though they were marching towards their goals, feeling as if they were forced into a half march at best.   This war began to reach the ears of the other provinces in Duvonia and a council meeting was called. Elias Cartwright was forcefully ejected from power, a treaty was made with the halflings, and a singular government was established ruling over the dukes that maintained their territory.   Two Bridges, the settlement built on the halfling border and originally known as 'Cartsweld', was founded and agreed upon in terms settled between the halfling and human leaders. The halflings were allowed to stay and humans were to treat them as equals as any aggression would be an act against the law.

Related Location
Two Bridges
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