Kyn - The Pillar of Light and Kindness Organization in Ayla | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Kyn - The Pillar of Light and Kindness

Followers believe in the interconnection of all people and sometimes find themselves distressed at the self-imposed isolation of their current civilization. Followers should reach out to others and help bring them “light” in whatever form they might interpret that as - a relieving of financial strain, a joke, a hug, a beautiful flower. They seek to bring joy to others and to help heal their souls by learning kindness in place of anger or jealousy. They seek to restore the connections between lives, their largest goal being repairing the Sundering that the Ayla people have experienced, believing it to be a punishment for their sins of anger and hatred. Kyn is said to be the weaver of the invisible bonds and connections that tie together all living beings, quietly weaving souls into a great tapestry of life.

Public Agenda

Followers believe in the interconnection between all peoples and living things, therefore, to help someone else is to help yourself as well. Those in Kyn's service are expected to reach out to other cultures and bring them to the Light, as well as to speak up for those hurting or in need and protect them.
Religious, Pantheon
Parent Organization
Related Myths


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