Heartseeker Item in Axora | World Anvil



Heartseeker is an Artefact of legendary status. Created and utilised by the High Elf, Fortira Orinel during The Cataclysm War, it was reluctantly kept in Irallien's secret vault.  

Appearance & Capabilities

Heartseeker is a hand crossbow. The frame is made of dark word, that has been coated in black lacquer. The metallic mechanical portions are painted crimson red. It is said to reward consitent accuracy, each strike more potent than the last.  


During the Cataclysm War
Fortira Orinel claims to have constructed the weapon. If she had help, she never declared who. Over the course of the Cataclysm War, her exploits gradually gained her acceptance and status as a hero to the High Elf society, who initially shunned her as a crossbow-user. She fought alongside the Seatharani, the elite High Elf archers, during the final battle, The Siege of Arkran  
After the War
Heartseeker, despite its user's acceptance as a hero, was still begrudgingly interred alongside Bo'estada, the Artefact wielded by the Elven champion in a secret vault within Cathair el'Orthai, the Irallien Palace. In 584PC, the conclusion of a centuries long devillish plan nearly came to fruition. Irallien was held in the grip of a Pride-based curse. The Manifestation of Pride was summoned slightly early as The Grey Knights, along with help from the local Faes'Forai, confronted the King, who was unwittingly sat upon the centre of the curse. With the Manifestation defeated and Irallien freed, Heartseeker was bestowed to August Truemore of the Grey Knights as its new owner, as it was he who fittingly delivered the final blow on the Manifestation with a bolt from his own hand crossbow.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Current Holder

Cover image: by Midjourney


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