Devious Urchins Species in Awldor | World Anvil
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Devious Urchins

These things like to make a point. Actually they like to make many, many points.
— Bubba Rez, Zoologist.


Not as benign as your regular Sea Urchin, Devious Urchins are one of the more uncomfortable dangers about this world. Quite literally in many respects.   Covered in many thorns, these creatures will attach themselves to any living thing at the first opportunity. In fact, they go out of their way to maximize the chance of contact by positioning themselves on well-worn roads, and easy footholds & handholds. Devious Urchins can even climb to hanging branches or the like and fall off once they sense a living thing below them. They prefer dark areas to conceal their presence, and are able to retract their needles to appear like moss or some other soft thing.   Devious Urchins attach themselves to their prey by way of razor sharp needles, which are serrated to prevent their needles from pulling out easily. While they are attached they will attack the prey until it dies, feasting on the corpse afterwards. They consume via well hidden mandibles.   On top of all that, urchins always travel in coordinated groups. These groups will hang out in choke points or other passages that other living things must use. When in such places, travelers are advised to keep an eye out for strange, pointy objects lest their journey end prematurely.



The wild magic of our world has given rise to several varieties of urchins. Each has their own special abilities that enhance their hunting prowess.

Shock Urchin

This variant will send a powerful shock through anyone pierced by any one of its sharp points. The shock can be powerful enough to kill.

Poison Urchin

This variant will poison those it attaches to. How quickly the poison kills depends on the amount injected, usually dependent on how long the urchin is attached.

Igni Urchin

Will freeze the unwary. They like crunchiness.

Fire Urchin

These can set one on fire if given enough time. Survival is greatest if the urchin is removed quickly.

Acid Urchin

They prefer their prey to be a nutritious paste for easy consumption.

Spectral Urchin

You don't see these until they attach to you; from the inside. It is believed that these urchins exist in some other plane of existence and will appear once an unfortunate traveler occupies the same space as the urchin. Death from these is practically guarantee absent strong medicines or magic. It is difficult to know when or where these urchins are present, as once a body dies it is transported to the urchin's home realm.

Basic Information


A Devious Urchin is covered in many needles that seem to protrude in all directions, giving them the appearance of a thorny ball. The color of this ball depends on the environment, as Devious Urchins can mimic the color of the surface they're attached to. They are capable of movement via many small "legs" that can be retracted and extended when needed.

Growth Rate & Stages


Devious Urchins begin life in an egg-sac. The eggs incubate for 10-20 days (it's difficult to know for certain because the eggs are usually well hidden). Once the eggs hatch, a needle-less hatchling appears. These hatchlings require adult urchins to feed them until they begin to grow their own needles (though many claim they are incredibly mobile). Once the needles are fully grown and developed, they become younglings ready for their first hunt.   Devious Urchins are capable of reaching adulthood very quickly, requiring only one large meal before they become fully grown. Once grown, life is long for the adult urchin, about twenty-five years depending on which sources you consult.   A Devious Urchin's life goes through the following stages:
  • Egg
  • Hatchling
  • Youngling
  • Adult
  • Elder

These things would rule the world if left unchecked.
— Mogagark, Zoologist


  The growth rate of a Devious Urchin population is dependent upon how often they feast. If a group of four urchins feast on the carcass of a horse, their numbers will double to eight. If food is especially plentiful, then their numbers can increase exponentially. Some narrow passages have been deemed unusable due to high concentration of urchins. Some have described the "wall" phenomena where many urchins coalesce into a kind of mass that blocks a passage. This mass can move about with "surprising speed."   Because of the dangers of a growing Devious Urchin, especially in a dark area like a city's underground passages, special guilds are established to eradicate any infestations before they require military intervention.  

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is believed that Devious Urchins sense their surroundings primarily due to vibrations traveling through materials as well as the air. They do not appear to have any obvious optical organs capable of sight. It is therefore possible to pass by an urchin undetected through careful, soundless movements.

All artwork is by starfarertheta unless otherwise stated.

Note(s) from the Archivists:

  Why do these things need to exist? - Archivist Bob Ironrock

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Jul 2, 2020 18:57

Can / do people or other predators eat these, like common urchins? Or do they remain dangerous even after death?

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Jul 2, 2020 19:32 by Starfarer Theta

Thanks for the question!   The urchins can be eaten by people as long as they are correctly prepared. It's similar to preparing Japanese Fugu: . Not much of the urchin is considered edible though, or at least desirable. About as much meat as you would find in a single mussel.   The time and effort required to prepare an urchin meal depends on the urchin. Of the kinds I've listed in the article, the easiest to prepare would be the Freezing Urchin. The hardest would be the Acid Urchin. As their abilities are based in magic, you would need a mage or some other magic user/item to dispel the effects.   It might be more worthwhile to catch an urchin alive and then use to catch some other animal, or at least to gather its thorns with their magical properties intact.   As for predators, some can eat Devious Urchins. Dragons would be on that list. Most animals can't eat the urchins as they don't have the resistances nor desire to get at something defined by many points of ouchiness. Actually, the Devious Urchin is the predator in most cases.   Hope that was helpful.

Jul 2, 2020 19:38 by Starfarer Theta

btw, had a look at what regular sea urchin meat looks like. That's a little more than I expected they had.   Devious Urchins aren't quite the same thing though, beings twisted by wild magics and all that.